Friday 14 February 2014

The weekly compendium 14/02/2014

It's the end of another week here at Intravenous Magazine and it's Valentines Day to boot. So if you've got someone you love close by, focus your love and attention on them. But if you're on your own today, we've got plenty here to keep you occupied tonight.

We've had news to report this week with stories courtesy of Legend and Sólstafir, Wave Gottik Treffen, and Attrition. Joel Heyes turned his attention to the cult British horror classic The Wicker Man in his latest column. We've reviewed the latest releases from Nine Inch Nails, Psy'Aviah and Deadliner. And for those that care I looked at the resurrection of once dead bands in my latest Editorial.

Over on Facebook we had new videos from Chelsea Wolfe, Psy'Aviah, XP8 and a trailer from the forthcoming docu-drama on Nick Cave. The Birthday Massacre and Pop Will Eat Itself have announced new crowdsourcing campaigns. Combichrist have given us a new teaser track. And finally we had a good laugh at some industrial valentines cards.

That's it from us this week. Keep tuned to our Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr pages for all the latest from us. But until we see you again here is a little treat from "The Drab Four" and their friend Count Orlock.

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