Blood Pack Vol. 6.66 released!

It's that time of the year once again! A new year and a new compilation album celebrating our 6th birthday as a webzine.

Review: Various Artists – 'We're In This Together: A Tribute To Nine Inch Nails'

VARIOUS ARTISTS 'We're In This Together: A Tribute To Nine Inch Nails' TRIBULATIONS

Review: Various Artists – 'We Reject: A Tribute To Bile'


Review: Ritual Aesthetic – 'Wound Garden'


Review: Axegrinder – 'Satori'


Monday 7 January 2019

Editorial, January 2019: RIP Intravenous Magazine 2013-2019

This is an extremely hard post to write especially coming so soon after one of our most successful free compilations too date... however I have come to the decision that after six years and 1787 articles, it is now time to end Intravenous Magazine as an active website. 

Many may have noticed that the frequency of posts has rapidly diminished in the latter half of this year, and this has been due to my own rapidly diminishing mental health over this period. When I started this site it was a new challenge and a middle-finger to the magazine that previously saw the majority of my journalistic output, Dominion, which halted suddenly and without explanation. Six years on and the challenge and enjoyment has become much harder, and the growth of the site has faltered as a result. So to me it feels like the right time to walk away. 

As IVM grew and I changed my day job to something more fulfilling, a lot of my own creative projects were sidelined, and since making the decision to put this site to bed I've felt a creative renewal that I'm manically channelling into lots of new projects. I hope those who have read, enjoyed, and contributed to the site over the past six years can understand and support this decision.

It may be that I resurrect IVM in the future perhaps, who knows? Or I may look to give my services to another publication after a
sabbatical period. But in the meantime the site will remain as is in order to remain archive all of the hard work that has gone into it. 

I'll still be plugging the latest compilation on our facebook page so please check that out and any donations made will still go to DKMS UK to help fight blood cancer. 

There are some other great websites out there still flying the flag for our scene such as I Die: You Die, Brutal Resonance, Coma Music Magazine, Peek-A-Boo Magazine, Regen Magazine, Reflections Of Darkness and many others to name but a few that need your continued support. 

Goodbye and thanks for six years of making IVM happen.

- Sean M. Palfrey, Editor.

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