Thursday 9 April 2015

Review: (((O))) – 'We Hate You'

'We Hate You'

Despite only emerging in 2012 (((O))), AKA Nikita Vasilyev has already developed a loyal following thanks to releases such as 'Black EP' and 'Motherland'. This year the Belarus-based artist returns with the new three-track EP, 'We Hate You'. Taking its cues from LaVey and Lovecraft it's dark experimental electronics and witch house embellishments make it one of the few underground electronic bands that can be happily summed up as avant garde while keeping a straight face.

Dark, psychedelic, occult and hazy ambient electronics, samples, strong leads, and slow but dance friendly beats are the primary formula of the EP across it's three tracks. 'Father Of Lies' kicks off with its choral sound, sci-fi beeps, and almost martial beat. Which is followed-up by 'Crying Mirrors' which heads into a more readily recognizable witch house mode with it's trip-hop beats, house melody and droning electronic atmosphere. The EP is then rounded-off by 'Werewolf Radio' which again makes use of similar sounds as the previous track, but opts for a thinner and less cluttered atmosphere completed by a different set of satanic orientated samples.

The production on (((O))) releases has always been rather good. It has that distinctive underground edge to it, but not at the sacrifice of the overall audio quality. It's crisp and distinctive mix is refreshing in a growing genre where production is often an afterthought.

If you haven't had the pleasure of listening to (((O))) then 'We Hate You' is a good starting point. It's accessible, moody and psychedelic electronic that fans of dark electro will be able to appreciate. It would have been nicer to have a bit of a longer running time. But the three tracks feel like a complete statement, so it is by no means disappointing. However it does build up the anticipation that could be quenched by another full-length release. 

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