Wednesday 21 May 2014

Review: Mixe1 – 'Starlit Skin'

'Starlit Skin'

It's been great to see Mixe1 go from an interesting solo project to promising band. The creativity and conceptual edge of Mike Evans vision has received a big shot of adrenalin courtesy of live guitars and drums. The end result is a punk-infused electro-rock that is full of big choruses and dance friendly-melodies.

The début album comes after three very strong EP releases, and exhibits a moodier and far more aggressive side than before. Songs like 'Talking In Our Sleep', 'Break You Down', 'Here', 'The Show', 'All 4 U' are fast and hard with the dynamic array of synths we've come to expect perfectly complimenting the rock instruments underpinning them. The band aren't afraid to get experimental either with 'Plug Me In Tonight' using the synths to great effect for a harsh but melodic centrepiece. But it's the band's final track on the album 'Airways' that is the biggest achievement with it's room-filling sound pushing it forward as the obvious choice for a live set closer.

In terms of production it isn't quite as polished as it could be. There is still a roughness to the recording that could ideally be ironed out. But in terms of the mix the band still sound fantastic. If fact this is the best the band have ever sounded, especially when it comes to Mike Evans' dynamic vocal range, which really drives the album.

'Starlit Skin' is a big step for a band that have, for the past few years, shown a lot of promise. The new writing style works well and they truly feel like they have arrived at a modern and relevant sound. You shouldn't be surprised if Mixe1 get snapped up by another label based on this effort.

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