Friday 12 February 2016

Introducing... Plebs & Fuckboys

Name of band: Plebs & Fuckboys
Members: Ripdae La Wise & Nickk Dropkick
Year Formed: 2015
Location: Waterloo, Ontario Canada / US Virgin Islands
“We're transgressive anarcho-nihilists, and also have our own illustrated comic book as well with provocative images galore.”

The members are myself (Nickk Dropkick) and Ripdae La Wise, as well we were formed this last summer (2015) over the internet through a series of collaborations. In the past we've written Waterloo, Ontario as our city of origin or main base of operations, but in truth its an internet collective, or virtual band. We feel that as far as addresses go, perhaps choosing cyberspace as the location of our scene is appropriate, as we're much less dependent upon an individual city at this point, and the main engine for our music is the web itself.

Intravenous Magazine: Who are you and how did the band/project come to be formed?

We are Plebs and Fuckboys, an internet duo between Nickk Dropkick and Ripdae La Wise. We actually met in a political debate group, were both musicians in the industrial/noise scene, with Rip being a Spoken Word artist. We collaborated on a few projects making transgressive and nihilist artwork, and decided to put our skills to music.

IVM: How would you describe your sound/style, and how did you arrive at it?

An ecclectic mix of everything, from noise, to hip hop, to horrid mixing, trap beats, some metal guitars, synths occasionally thrown into the mixes, and a lot of transgressive lyrical content and composition.

IVM: Who and what are your primary influences both musical and non-musical?

Probably stuff like NAH, Death Grips, Nietzsche, Neckface, Atari Teenage Riot, Wu Tang Clan, and 90s Hip Hop.

IVM: Do you perform live and if so where can we see you perform in the near future?

I wish we did, but I (Nickk) live in Canada, and Ripdae la Wise lives in the US virgin Islands.

IVM: What is your current release and where is it available from?

We've got several. You can find some on our bandcamp, and one on Spettro Records here:

They’re all releases from the past few months, as we started this project last summer.

IVM: What have been the highlights of your career so far?

Getting a release on Spettro, and just making this music and having a venue for a lot of our thoughts and concepts.

IVM: What are your plans for the future?

To try and get even more transgressive and maybe find some way to bring this project to a live stage.

IVM: Finally, is there anything that you would like to add?

We're transgressive anarcho-nihilists, and also have our own illustrated comic book as well with provocative images galore.

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