Thursday 28 March 2013

The weekly compendium 28/03/2013

Salutations! OK, so it isn’t technically the end of the week, but I've decided to cynically exploit the beliefs of a mainstream religion in order to have a four day weekend... and I know you're all probably doing the same.

It's not like we have gone light on the articles this week though. We've had news about the next Emilie Autumn European Tour, A couple of surprises from Alfa Matrix and reviews from Clara Engel, Interstitial, Ogenix, Resonance Room and Tyler Milchmann for you to digest.

On the social media front there have been a few interesting posts. Such as sneaky peeks at the new album art from A Pale Horse Named Death and DVD/Blu Rays from Vince Ripper And The Rodent Show. We also plugged the fabulous Rosie Garland's book launch, DJ Joe Letz's upcoming Rammstein support slot, This Mortal Coil's Louise Rutkowski Pledge campaign, the new charity MP3download from New Zero God featuring Maxi Nil [Visions Of Atlantis] and the latest Kickstarter campaign from Caustic. And finally, for those who like moving pictures, we saw a couple of videos from Formalin and The Last Cry.

So now it's time to kick back and stuff ourselves stupid with chocolate in memory of a killer bunny... Oh, that's not what Easter is about? Ah well, I like my version better...

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