Sunday 27 January 2013

Interview: The Ludovico Technique

Beyond Therapy...

“Some things are beyond therapy: I personally view it as sometimes things in life may be broken and beyond repair or sometimes things in life may work and are beyond needing repair regardless of others opinion of what's broken.”

Rising stars of the US industrial scene, The Ludovico Technique have been enjoying a wave of momentum off the back of their début full-length album, released on Metropolis Records last Autumn as well as a nationwide tour supporting Imperative Reaction.
We invited vocalist and mastermind Ben V by for a quick chat about the past few months and to get to the bottom of his obsession with “Therapy”.

Intravenous Magazine: Your début album 'Some Things Are Beyond Therapy' has been out for a
while now. How has it been received so far?

Ben V: Yes, the album came out in the fall of 2012 and has been well received. It offers something a bit different from what our genre has grown accustomed to. Pouring our heart and soul into this work to make it something that would be an accurate representation of the emotions contained therein was well worth the long days and sleepless nights while recording.

IVM: How would you compare the style and sound of the new album to your self-titled EP?

BV: On the new album I really pushed myself to delve a little deeper with the overall writing and arrangements. The scale of some of the songs on the full length are very large and encompassing. Three-part vocal harmonies, seven-part synth harmonies, key changes, tempo changes. Compared with the EP which was very straight forward. I love them both.

IVM: “Therapy” is a reoccurring word in the band's lexicon. How does this tie in with the themes and ideas at work on the album?

BV: Some things are beyond therapy: I personally view it as sometimes things in life may be broken and beyond repair or sometimes things in life may work and are beyond needing repair regardless of others opinion of what's broken. It comes down to the Individual.

IVM: The band's name is derived from A Clockwork Orange and your first EP used a lot of samples from the film. What is it about the novel/film that inspires you the most?

BV: The overall concept that what is ethical is subjective and that those in power can attempt to instil their idea of morals and ethics by social behaviour conditioning.

IVM: Your first release was your self-titled EP in 2010 on Crunch Pod Records, but you quickly gained the attention of Metropolis Records. How did this relationship come about and how do you feel the band has benefited?

BV: I'd say working with Metropolis has allowed our Music to reach a broader spectrum than before, we're appreciative that when the time came we were ready to back up this opportunity with everything we have artistically.

IVM: How do you typically approach song writing and do you have any particular rituals?

BV: There's no strict approach, sometimes I start with lyrics and build the music around them. Other times I start with music and write lyrics to go with those sounds. I feel as long as you write from the heart there's no wrong way.

IVM: The band is also comprised of two live members. Are they purely involved with enabling live performance or do they contribute to the recording process as well?

BV: I write the lyrics and music, my keyboardist Evan helps with production and mixes. I
think it's a good team since I hardly have the patience for long nights of mixing these days. I appreciate everything he brings to the table. Our drummers help fill out the live performance aspect, we've had a chance to work with some great ones.

IVM: One thing that is very striking about the band's sound is the range of vocal styles and effects used on the songs. Has this been something fundamental to you from day one or did you arrive at it more organically?

BV: The vocal style variations are something that I've always done but weren't as prevalent until the recent album in the recorded works of the band. Industrial music has always been about experimentation to me. I vocalize different emotions in different ways, whatever feels "right" and serves the song I guess.

IVM: In November you released a video for 'Potential', how was that experience for you?

BV: It was great a experience, I really enjoyed helping to put that one
together artistically.

IVM: Are there plans for any more videos in support of the album?

BV: Yes, We're going to be releasing a video for 'Wired for Destruction' as well as 'Shutting Down'.

IVM: You can also boast having Athan Maroulis (Spahn Ranch & Black Tape For A Blue Girl) as a manager. How did that come about and what would you say have you learned from him?

BV: We've learned a great deal and continue to draw from his wealth of knowledge. Having an artist as a manager gives a different dynamic to how we can work together because of his experiences. A good friend of ours that runs an industrial night called Das Maschine introduced us to Athan.

IVM: You've recently completed a tour with Imperative Reaction. How did that go for you guys and do you have got any good stories you can share?

BV: Ted from Imperative Reaction produced the new album with us so being on the road with them was great. At times being on a tour of that length is a little rough, it definitely makes you grow as an artist. I'm appreciative to have had that experience.

IVM: You'll also be touring the US and Canada with God Module in March. How did this come about?

BV: Once we returned from the Imperative reaction tour we wanted to get right back out on the road. We knew God Module had a tour planned and the time frame was perfect. they're great people and we always enjoy performing with them.

IVM: Finally, will we be likely to see Ludovico Technique in Europe or the UK any time soon?

BV: We wanted to play the Resistanz festival 2013 in the UK but it didn't work out this time around. Were definitely looking into some options to get to Europe sooner than later so, keep on the lookout.

The Ludovico Techniques full-length début is available now through Metropolis Records. To keep up with the latest information from the band, visit their official website.

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