Friday 16 August 2013

The weekly compendium 16/08/2013

Well this marks the end of another week at Intravenous Magazine. And it has been a short one due to myself taking some R&R time at the beginning of the week. But we made up for it with LOTS of news stories from the likes of M'era Luna Festival, Pride And Fall, Cabaret Voltaire, Flesh &Fell and Leaether Strip. As well as reviews of the latest album's from Skinjob and Mono Inc. Plus day one of Kev's report back from the afore mentioned M'era Luna festival.

If that wasn't enough, over on facebook we reposted the news that Nine Inch Nails have released the track 'Copy Of A' free through Amazon. There's new music from Sun God and The Cassandra Complex, Danny Elfman is putting on a concert of his work with Tim Burton in time for Halloween, dates for Rabia Sorda's tour in November, Ctrl Alt Del have a preview of the new album streaming, and we're just over a month away from the IVM sponsored 'Best Of British' gig!

FINALLY, there is only one potential space left for the compilation album and it's first come first served, so get in contact quick if you want your band to be featured!

Phew, right, I'm off to go dust off my DJ gear and try to remember how to mix, while the rest of you can get you're fangs into this...

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