Monday 10 March 2014

Interview: Marco Visconti (XP8)

An Interview with the Lord...

"The vision of XP8 was to bring the more mainstream scene into the alternative scene. Back then me, Marko and Paul we were alternative people that never fitted into either scene completely and we loved the grooves and vibes of both. So we tried to make the perfect alchemy, of what became XP8..."

What do I think of him as; many words come to mind. Dramatic? The Lord? XP8? Faderhead? Whichever way I think of him and his face within this dark scene, one topic I know from analysis and encounters with him over the last five years, is his extreme passion for music and keeping to date with the ever changing and controversial evolution of alternative electronica.

Starting off in Rome, he is one of the co-founders of the band XP8, a project which has changed in nature over a decade in style of electronica. At one point Marco was part of JD-Tucker's project Grendel, conducting live drums and now known for his contribution towards live shows with Faderhead displaying his rounds of the alternative scene.

Running not even fashionably late to Glasgow from the west coast and having fumes of peated single malt whisky expel from my system (though sober I must add), I eventually find Marco, who is in a similar frame himself. Taking steps downstairs into the back of the Classic Grand Glasgow, which went from Porn theatre to alternative club and concert venue, I open out my questions to Marco.

Intravenous Magazine: Since moving to London what has changed for you?

Marco Visconti: Pretty much everything to the point where after a year of living here, I’ve been asking myself why I did not make this change earlier in my life. I've always been connected to London with music and I’m really into the esoteric conditions here.

IVM: XP8 has changed a lot since decade of decadence to Adrenochrom, as well as the EP releases, going from gothic electronica, into the new contemporary mainstream area of alt-electronica, was this on purpose or by accident?

MV: Back almost 15 years ago. The vision of XP8 was to bring the more mainstream scene into the alternative scene. Back then me, Marko and Paul we were alternative people that never fitted into either scene completely and we loved the grooves and vibes of both. So we tried to make the perfect alchemy, of what became XP8, so Marco and I began carrying it on as it worked, and that alchemy changes all the time.

IVM: Where do you think the alternative scene is going at the moment?

MV: What I’ve been noticing in the past 10 years for many reasons, the alternative scene is becoming smaller than it used to be. At the same time the people and artists that are still hooked in, are more dedicated despite the fact of the reduction.

IVM: You are a very active member of Soundcloud, is it just you or Marko also?

MV: Soundcloud is a great social network for musicians, later on I realised it was such a great thing for us to use, as it was concentrated towards people who cared about music.

IVM: The Game of thrones remix, where did that come from?

MV: I read the books long before the television series came out, and I used to be a dungeons and dragons fan.  I just one day was listening to theme, and thought about just doing something with it. So sure I posted it up on Soundcloud and it just went download viral. Then again I’m working on something from Guardians of the Galaxy as I love Karen Gillan, and I think one day I will marry her one way or another!

IVM: Which character would you be in Game of Thrones?

MV: Cersei Lannister, because she only cares about family and she doesn’t give a shit about anything else.

IVM: How much can Barry drink?

MV: Barry is one of the best guys in the world, as he runs the Classic Grand and his capacity for alcohol is a shit load, I must say. I know I’m a good drinker, but every time he leaves me six feet under. Whenever you’re in Glasgow, you have fun, you have a great gig; just don’t drink with Barry is the Lord’s recommendation, you will not survive. (Evidence is available here)

IVM: What is your favourite Poison?

MV: My favourite poison... this will be very not PG 13, but it's C***.

IVM: What do you see happening with XP8 in the not too distant future?

MV: I sat down with Marko and we thought that we were not going to bother with albums anymore, we realised we were making very dancy music in the alternative scene. We decided to just focus on EPs, the first one will be with some very nice artwork. We looking for a release in June and then in November we are looking to make an a recurrence of an XP8 album every 5 months. At the end of the day we love to make dance music for the freaks and dance is always changing in different ways and needs to be fresh.

IVM: Will stuff be done by you or under the XP8 name?

MV: Marko is the genius of the gear, I cannot do it by myself, it would be incredibly longer and probably not as good, me and Marko have the great ability and understanding to know what each of us want and without him it would not work.

IVM: Since you are both now living in London, have you seen any improvement in music synergy?

MV: Absolutely, since we have been close together we now have a batch of about 40 good songs , which we need to now release.

XP8's latest album 'Adrenochrome', and EP 'Meathead's Lost HD', are available to buy now via the band's bandcamp page. For more information on XP8, please visit their official website.  

Interview by Dominic Lynch aka: DJ- LX-E

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